Students Satisfaction Survey - June 2015

Dear Students, 

Warm greetings from Texila American University!

We kindly invite you to take part in Students Satisfaction Survey- June 2015, to seek your views on the quality of our education and your satisfaction level.

SurveyYour feedback counts and your response will help to shape the important decisions at the University. Along with feedback from other students, it will provide data that assists the University to enhance the quality of its education and serve you better to have a great learning experience with Texila American University, with higher satisfaction level. The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete.

Please note that your response is private and confidential. Survey responses will not be linked with other administrative records.

Participation in this survey is highly valued & mandatory; please complete the survey before 20th July 2015.

Thank you for considering your involvement in this survey.

I wish you all the best! 

With warm regards,

S Praburam,
Manager - Department of Student affairs,
Texila American University.

Click here to participate in Student Satisfaction Survey -June : 2015

Last modified: Monday, 13 July 2015, 11:29 AM